Through these stories, the player discovers not only how the Literature Club was formed, but also how each member became friends with one another. These side stories take place in an alternate reality of the game in which the Protagonist does not exist and it is assumed that Monika has not yet had her epiphany that she is not real and just a character in a video game. Both versions of the game are pretty much identical in terms of visuals and gameplay mechanics with the only real difference being that Doki Doki Literature Club Plus has six additional side stories that are unlocked after you beat the game’s main story.
However, considering how much I love this game and how impactful this game’s story was for me, I instead chose to buy the $15 version, which is titled Doki Doki Literature Club Plus. Normally, if I’m given the option to play a game that is either free or offered at a cheap, discounted price, I would immediately take that in a heartbeat before you could even give me a second option. Prior to our discussion on Doki Doki Literature Club in class, I decided I wanted to do something special for what I believed was my 3rd playthrough of the game.